A school should be a location where children are secure and protected. However, according to a new study released by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, not all students are safe at every school. Changes must be made for schools to become safer places. Last week, our public inquiry and abuse specialists Richard and Kim responded to the report for a number of news organizations.
Last week, the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) released a new study. The inquiry looked at how schools and other institutions have responded to allegations of sexual abuse by school employees. The new study by IICSA focused on broad concerns such as the culture, governance, leadership, training, and recruitment process of 13 schools, along with eight other schools that have since closed, and how these schools failed to protect children in England and Wales from sexual abuse.
Last week, Richard Scorer, head of abuse law and public inquiries, and Kim Harrison, head of operations for abuse law and public inquiries at Slater and Gordon, made numerous media appearances to discuss the new study by Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse.
Richard Scorer and Kim Harrison both have represented a number of victims within the inquiry. On the reputation protection of schools, Richard spoke to The Telegraph and The Guardian. He talked about the research as demonstrating that despite numerous debacles, school safeguarding is still not adequate. We need a significant shift in thinking: mandatory reporting of known or suspected abuse to the authorities, backed up by criminal penalties.
In an interview with Evening Standard, Kim also spoke about the importance of boarding schools in safeguarding children, as well as her views on boarding school safety. She stated that when male victims who have been subjected to female abuses disclose their trauma, they are made to feel additional guilt and disgrace. The male victims and survivors have to deal with a lack of understanding.
Richard was also a guest on North West Tonight, where he spoke about the involvement of Manchester’s Chetham’s School of Music in the new report. He discussed the improvements he wants to see as a result of the final report, which is expected to be published later this year.
If you or your child has been the victim of abuse at school or another learning institution, do not hesitate to seek legal support and talk to experts in confidence.